What Is It An emergency fund is money set aside to be used in unexpected, costly situations such as car troubles, job loss or a hospital visit. These unexpected events can happen to anyone at
Category: Lifestyle
9 Tips To Make Saving Painless
What motivates you to save? Is it the peace of mind of having an emergency fund? Maybe that dream getaway you’ve been fantasizing about? Or are you motivated by the thought of purchasing a
Saving Money With Food Coupons
Finding the Food Coupons You Need There are two main places to find food coupons in order to save money off your grocery bill. The first is in the Sunday paper or small mailers. While
Your Guide for Smart Online Coupon Usage
We’ve all seen that little empty coupon code box at the checkout of our favorite online stores. And most of us are tempted by it, because we all love to save money. Although one might
Beginning Couponing: Tips and Tricks to Start Saving Money at the Grocery Store
So, you’re ready to try couponing? It is not difficult, and it doesn’t take as much time as you might think. As with anything, you get out, what you put in. If you’re apprehensive, start
Couponing Tips for Beginners
Successful couponing is easy to achieve with dedication and a basic understanding of the concept of getting the best item at the right time for the lowest price possible. For anyone who has the desire
Save 90% on Shopping Bills – How To Start
Coupons are a basic tool we can all employ to save some extra money. They are quite simple to use however finding and collecting coupons can be time consuming. Because of this we often ignore
Low Income Living – On Social Security
Due to a layoff and a poor economy, I was forced into an early retirement on a Social Security income only. What that meant was I had to adjust very quickly to low income living.
Saving Money on Healthcare Costs in Retirement
Healthcare expenses in retirement is a growing concern for retirees. The increasing costs of healthcare and the inflation factor that goes along with it creates a growing need for advanced planning related to preparing for
Five Vacation Planning Travel Tips to Save You Time & Money on Your Vacation
Vacation planning is fun and easy so you don’t need to get overwhelmed. The first thing I want you to do is to take a deep breath and don’t panic. If you’ve never done this