Job Search 101: Mindfulness

Most people don’t take the time to think about their careers and plan accordingly. Oftentimes, the focus is on “Getting The Job!” Very few, strategically, think about how and why someone will hire them; as a result, many apply to jobs they have not a chance of getting – wasting time and energy. Mindfulness of one’s actions will guide one to the right solutions.

Case in point: Going to a job fair offers a lot of possibilities; however, success comes to those who are mindful and strategic. Most Companies list the jobs they are recruiting for and someone will, inevitably, walk up and say “what are you hiring for?” How much time would it take to really research the companies before you go to the job fair? Come up with a game plan; so that when you approached the company representative – you have something of value to say. There is a process to the madness. It is important to show “Mindfulness” if you’re serious about getting a job.

Oftentimes, companies develop a series of pre-screening questions to evaluate candidates who submit resumes. It eliminates wasting time looking at candidates who are not qualified. Some of the pre-screening questions may include years of experience; education; industry, etc. The pre-requirements may be specific or general – depending on the position. That is why it is so important to be mindful of the job you are applying for because the higher your resume ranks in skills and experience; the better the chances of you being called and considered for a position. To avoid the “black-hole” affect “thoroughly” read the job description.

As a recruiter, I usually do not go below 80% of pre-screening assessments. Companies can be selective because there are hundreds of applicants applying for the same position. The larger the company the more competitive the position; so being mindful of how your skills and experience match-up with the job description is important.

Consider your skills and experience; working at a large corporation is equivalent to a university or college level playing field – you got to be good. They are looking for premier candidates; most positions are highly-skilled and targeted in a specific niche or industry. No longer do large corporations provide the training & nurturing like they did in the past. They have colleges, universities, and trade schools to do that; however, they will offer internships to students, but they are looking for students who can perform well in both the workplace and school.

Mindfulness is also about being realistic. It is similar to a truck driver applying for a position as a Product Designer. He became so upset that no one got back to him that he called the Vice President and President of the company. Of course, they were upset that no one got back to him, but when they realized the reality of the situation – that was it!

If you are seeking employment without a lot of experience or training; medium to small businesses are a perfect place to build your experience. You can maximize your visibility and skills. Most small to medium firms do not have the stringent hiring requirements that large corporations have; including getting hired quicker. Most small to medium firms may not be at job fairs or post online because of budget constraint. One has to be aware of local companies in their area. There are openings all around us – the key is strategically being Mindful of these opportunities.

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