Domestic Violence Shelter & Services in KC

Executive Director Neil Campbell from the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse shares her perspective on CaringWorks programs. After a stroke in June and a relapse in August of that year, he came back to Rockland Recovery. He has since maintained a place to live paired with a sober, healthier lifestyle. I am proud to say Stephanie earned her high school diploma through one of our online high school partners. She also completed our Parenting, Healthy Relationships, and Financial Literacy classes – as well as an internship at Head Start.

Treatment Timeline

We offer FREE self-sufficiency programming to parenting teen moms. Domestic violence can impact anyone, regardless of gender, age, economic status, religion, etc. When it comes to keeping safe while in an abusive environment, Rockland Recovery suggests creating a personalized safety plan to maximize your safety in times of abuse.

Rockland Recovery NOLA

Conveniently located in downtown Atlanta, it houses up to 70 men. Our 16-bed program is operated out of two side-by-side homes in a residential neighborhood. We reserve up to 4 beds for individuals who are pregnant or with infants (clients care for their own child while enrolled). Our mission is to provide individualized SUD treatment in a structured yet warm environment. Our evidence-based, gender specific groups provide the most up-to-date information and techniques to address addiction and other harmful behaviors. We work closely with the courts, probation, parole, and Children and Family Services to address legal issues and reunify individuals with their children when possible.

How I Became Connected to Rockland Recovery, and Why I’ve Stayed

Janely, Alejandra’s 9-month-old-daughter, is also enrolled in the Early Learning Program. Alejandra has also taken other classes including Parenting 101, Relationship Classes, and Self-Care classes. By age 14, Janelle was pregnant, and that same boyfriend became abusive, leaving her with bruises make-up couldn’t cover.

  1. All clients at The Rockland Recovery have a dedicated case manager who ensures their needs are met during and after treatment.
  2. Every dollar ensures that a child is off the street and able to have shelter.
  3. On a daily basis, we are changing people’s lives, restoring families, and providing hope.
  4. Rockland Recovery’s mission is to break the cycle of domestic violence by providing safe refuge and supportive services that educate and empower those impacted by domestic violence.
  5. People who have been segregated in institutions, used for eugenics experiments and shunned by the majority of society.

She was 12 when her parents’ fights and addictions led them to split. Although Janelle and her brothers were already used to living in chaos, now they were left on the sidelines, trying to take care of themselves. Janelle ended up meeting an older boy – and they connected deeply as they shared stories from their rough childhoods.

Rockland Recovery’s Domestic Violence Action Plan can help you develop strategies to stay safe while you’re still with your abuser and after you leave. Men, women and families come to us from the street, from camps and cars and find a hand up to help them get back on their feet. At the age of 16, he revealed his sexuality to his mother and she made him leave the house. He was already abusing substances and that led to a 25 year journey of homelessness. While washing dishes and with housing help from his aunt, he obtained an apartment. However, the pressure of keeping up with rent and a life of drugs and “partying” ultimately led to bouts of homelessness and a positive HIV diagnosis in 2014.

She is drawing every day to practice her skills while raising her lively, talkative and energetic little boy. Fatima heard about Rockland Recovery through a friend of a friend, and after having joined the program, she quickly began working on her high school equivalency through Penn Foster. She also applied to and was accepted into the Residential Program. Fatima and Julian moved into the house and started making friends with other moms and staff.

Alondra also had to overcome homelessness and generational poverty. While the focus is on protecting children, it’s crucial to acknowledge the often-unseen connection to domestic violence. Through comprehensive services, Rockland Recovery Review provides survivors with the resources needed to get to safety.

Interested in becoming a Loisann’s Rockland Recovery Junior Ambassador? By getting involved in the Junior Ambassador program you can help end the cycle of homelessness. All clients at The Rockland Recovery have a dedicated case manager who ensures their needs are met during and after treatment. People who have been to prison just once experience homelessness at a rate nearly 7 times higher than the general public. Formerly incarcerated women are 35% more likely to be homeless than men. Through our services, our community participation, and our advocacy, we make these ideas reality, each and every day.

Eventually, Alejandra got connected to through clinic staff at the office where she went to get ultrasounds. At first, she was nervous about what her family would say, but in January of 2022, Alejandra became a Rockland Recovery Mom and has loved it ever since. CaringWorks Rockland Recovery provides one-of-a-kind supportive housing for homeless men or men facing homelessness in metro Atlanta. Each year more than 130 clients call Rockland Recovery home while they move through their journey of recovery. The alumni of Rockland Recovery and other clients we serve find more than their sobriety. They learn new skills, develop reliable sources of income, and create a healthy social network to support their future dreams.

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