Affordable Transportation: Your Key To Economic Independence

Lack of reliable transportation is a huge barrier for many individuals trying to escape poverty. Without a car, getting to and from work, food shopping, doctors appointments and many other activities can be extremely difficult.  While some areas have mass transit options, such as buses and trains, more rural areas do not.  In rural communities, the likelihood of an individual’s job being farther from their home is increased and with few public transportation options, it can be nearly impossible to get around without a car.  Even in more urban communities, walking or biking may not be feasible for many individuals due to a disability, weather or other circumstances.  Commuting problems are a central theme for many low-income people trying to build a better future but there are many organizations working to provide hopeful solutions.

Offering access to affordable and sometimes free transportation, working your way up to a more stable financial situation is possible with the help of these organizations.  If you find yourself struggling to find reliable transportation, this may be the opportunity you’ve been searching for to improve your lifestyle.

Working Cars For Working Families – This is a program that understands how imperative a working vehicle is to families eager to succeed.  Working with a number of different programs across the nation, Working Cars For Working Families has goals rooted in the improvement of public policy and practices to ensure working families have access to reliable transportation under fair circumstances.  This project aims to stop unfair car sales tactics, as well as promote non-profit organizations providing vehicles to families for free or at subsidized rates.  They also intend on gaining a better understanding of the obstacles faced by working families in obtaining a vehicle through improved data collection and research.

One of the most useful tools on this website is the searchable database of over 100 nonprofit organizations providing assistance to those in need of a car.  These programs promote financial stability and job security by providing affordable transportation through low-interest loans and matched savings for car down payments and purchases.  Once you’ve found a program in your area, you can visit the specific program website for further details on the application process.  You may also find the Resources made available through Working Cars for Working Families useful as they include instructional training and webinars to help consumers better understand car ownership.

Free Charity Cars – Having donated over 4500 vehicles to struggling families, Free Charity Cars is a pioneer in the free car-ownership program.  The primary goal of this organization is to assist low-income families in building self-sufficiency.  This particular organization stands out, as it provides applicants a chance to share their story and engage the public. This process helps match prospective applicants with donated vehicles and quickly act in helping struggling Americans. 

Through an easy 3 step process, you can be on your way to finding a vehicle to match your needs. 

  1. Create a profile and share your story.
  2. Become an active member on the site by generating votes, increasing the popularity of the website, helping other through promotion and overall “spreading the word”.
  3. Develop friendships, vote for others in need within the FCC community and promote the cause as this will help improve your profile rank.  Top-ranked member’s applications will be reviewed first.

Learn more about how the application process works here.

Vehicles For Change – If you reside in Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia or Michigan, this organization offers an opportunity for struggling families to receive transportation at an affordable price.  With beliefs in providing personal independence and better employment opportunities, Vehicles For Change is making a big impact through their valuable service.  Studies show that reliable transportation helped individuals receive better jobs and a higher income.  Families who received cars also experienced substantially shorter commute times and healthier families, as visits to medical care became more accessible. 

If you’re looking to applying for an affordable vehicle through this organization, visit the overview of eligibility page to ensure you qualify.  You may then contact the local Department of Social Services who can submit an application on your behalf. 

Related Resources


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