Simple Steps To Free Yourself From Financial Burden

If you have found yourself buried under a mountain of debt it can be difficult to find your way out.  This can be overwhelming and as the bills keep piling it up, it may be hard to figure out what steps to take in order to get back on track.  It’s important to stay hopeful because there are several things you can do to reach financial stability.  Using the suggestions and resources below, escaping your debt is possible.   

Make A List

The best way to begin tackling your debt is figuring out what you’re up against.  Lay out your whole financial picture, this may be scary but it’s the first step in fixing your situation.  Review all of your bills and tally up how much debt you owe, make notes of interest rates and payment due dates at this point as well.  Determine how much is going out (all expenses) and how much is coming in (all income).  Don’t forget to include non-essential items like nights out with friends or extracurricular activities.  You want to be realistic about lifestyle changes you may have to make but eliminating all your fun won’t be beneficial.  This can cause you to lose sight of your goals and lack the motivation to continue. 

Reduce Your Interest Rate 

With all of your debt information laid out, now is a good time to call lenders to see if you can negotiate lower interest rates.  It never hurts to ask!  You may also consider a balance transfer, as many credit card companies offer 0% APR for the first 12 or more months which would give you time to pay off some of your debt interest free.  Research loan consolidation and refinance options as well, keep an open mind and consider all tools available to you that will help you reach a more stable financial situation.

Create A Budget

Now that you have a complete picture, it’s time to start budgeting.  If you have more money going out than coming in,  it’s time you scrutinize your spending habits and cut down where possible.  Take a look at your statements to determine where you are spending the most and what changes you can make to reduce those costs.  For example, if you’re buying breakfast every morning before work, consider waking up earlier to make your own.  These things add up and with just a few adjustments you will really start to see a difference in how far you can stretch your paycheck.  To learn more about reducing your expenses visit here.  You may even consider earning some extra income on the side.  Check out these work from home jobs that can help increase your monthly income.  If you find that you have some money leftover at the end of each month, this is the money you should start contributing to reducing your debt.  At the very least you need to be making the minimum payments for your debts but the more you’re able to put towards your bills the faster you’ll achieve financial freedom.

Stick To A Plan

With a budget in place, you can now strategize on how to best attack your debt.  You’ll want to decide which debt to pay off first.  Usually, individuals will begin with the highest interest rate or lowest balance.  There are two different popular methods called “Snowball” and “Avalanche” which are explained more in depth here.  Determine which strategy works best for you and be diligent in sticking to your plan and continuing to lower your debt.

You’ll want to continue to monitor your spending habits and make adjustments if needed.  Treat your debt as an emergency but it’s not going to be fixed overnight. Keep in mind that it took years for you to accumulate all of your debt it will inevitably take time pay it off.

Related Resources

Bank Rate

Debtors Anonymous

Hands On Banking

Mapping Your Future

Practical Money Skills

Student Aid

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