Efficient Budgeting – A Beginner’s Guide


A budget is in layman’s terms a plan you create for portraying your financial goals. It is essential that you establish a budget that regulates your cash flow and helps you achieve your goals and make predictions on what you can do with your money. The focus of a good budget should be allocating cash both expected expenditure and also unexpected emergencies.

The first step in effective budgeting is to how long your salary will carry you through. Constant expenses like car / home loans, rentals, fuel, insurance etc must be first addressed. Look at all your preceding month’s bills and plot the flow of your money. By identifying the places you spend your money, you can go a long way in preparing an effective budget.

Say you have an income of around five grand. Subtract all your identified expenses from this as a first step.

Subtract the amount spent on all other bills and subtract these too from your income. The rest of your income can be used for miscellaneous expenses like clothing, entertainment etc. The best solution is one in which the budget has both flexible and inflexible parts, so that the fixed expenses are not messed up and also emergencies are addressed.

Budgeting works best when the omissions that are scarce are made to larger limits. Formulate your own goals and make your plans. Try sticking as close as you can to them.

Steps in making the right budget:

1) It is necessary that you manage money intuitively. Come to a compromise or agreement and see how you can reduce expenses. But this might need some sacrifice on your part.

2) Tabulate your earnings and also your expenses and plan the month’s budget with the last month’s table as a reference.

3) Learn to draw the line between necessity and luxury. Jot down all the things you consider are luxuries and delete the half which you feel is unneeded.

4) Life a frugal life but be dignified. Fun does not always come at a cost. You can enjoy life by playing with children at a nearby park or at the beach. This will cost you nothing but give you immunity joy

All of us have access to budgeting as a fundamental essential tool. It is up to us to consider it and make the most out of it.

Source by Abhishek Agarwal

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Comments (63)
  • I have started a bow company and it’s hard right now starting off. Especially when I don’t have everything I need at this time. Once the money starts coming in then I’m hoping the cash flow will expand.

    Thank You

  • This was helpful

  • I’m hoping to get extra money just to help with bills, groceries, and whatever comes up.

  • Thanks

  • Just trying to be independent

  • Just let me know how it goes

  • This is a good article that contains a lot of the same information that you learn by taking business classes in school. Everything contained in this article is the perfect summary for developing a budget or plan on how to spend your earned currency so all the products that they’re trying to sell in the ads and the loan advertisement are really just temptations for the reader to do exactly the opposite of what the article is suggesting for them to do.

  • This article was very helpful

  • I read your article and it was helpful. I am on a limited budget and have medical bills that I want to pay before I die.

  • I am trilled to see if this really works

  • Very informative newsletter

  • I thought it was very good. I am in a group called circles. They help people get out of poverty and what I read here is about right. Budgeting and getting by is hard especially when you have obsitcles in your way. For example I am om a fixed income and only get paid once a month which is my SSd check. So I tried to get the most bills paid that are important and so on. my group helps by givings us the right tools and resources we can go for help and this article can benefits us the same way. Building your self up is a very important key in being successful and tools and this sort of information can and is an important part in how we manage ourselves when it comes to our finances. Thank you for the information it will help. Kimberly

  • I have limited money am on SS# so this would help me!

  • Article was very insightful can’t wait to see if it helps thank you for the information

  • Love the comment on the wants and needs. Finding inexpensive ways for entertainment I’d very good advice.

  • I always seen finances as a difficult obstacle in life maybe i just look at it wrong.

  • Very informative. Every one in my opinion likes financial stability.

  • True. Budget savings most helpful

  • This was a very well thought out article with some very good tips, very informative.

  • This article was definitely beneficial. It gives the average person a simple outline on where to start when trying to budget properly.

  • Very helpful

  • Informative. Seems I be careful with every dime and hardly see progress

  • It is none the less a very knowledgeable topic. And it always helps out in the long run when you actually do budget your money. Plus you never know when your gonna have a financial emergency.

  • This is a very helpful concept to consumers that have slight money saving problems.

  • I’m disable looking for a little extra cash a month was in a car accident in January and all my resources went for a new car this seems like a good way to make money but not sure if it’s a good fit for me

  • Verry helpfull and informative

  • Was very helpful on the subject of helping people manage there money better.

  • very helpful, and concise. liked the input and explanation on “how to’s”.

  • This article is very informative and gives details on how to start a budget and the guidelines for consistency on keeping a budget. I feel more confident after reading this article that budgeting is not a bad or difficult subject.

  • This was very informative, I need more discipline in managing money.

  • this website is great especially if you are like myself and need a guide to budgeting your money and time with all sorts of activities. This short summary can help you just like it helped myself i will now be watching my spare change and how i spend it there are some great tips i got from reading this. I highly recommend you to read this if you are struggling and looking for advice on budgeting or balancing money , it helped me tremendously and i believe it could help you to.

  • i needed help with balancing and budgeting and i read this short article and it sure was just what i needed i understand the next step to take in order to get my affairs on track

  • Would like to try this at home for the first time

  • Yes I found everything to be be very helpful gives others a different look alife that they might not have thouht about for years and just getting by all time put your mind in a no win state of mind and hearing about others can take you out of that and make yoy want to better yourself if possible. SharonS

  • Thank you. I appreciate the article. it has some good points that I will need to work on.

  • It was very helpful

  • This article was very descriptive and helpful. Gave me some good thoughts and hopefully will put me on a good path of budgeting as a millenial.

  • I am 47 years old, disabled and I need more income to make ends meet. I thought the info was very helpful and informative however, there’s no need for a budget when I have very limited funds. I just pay my bills, thank God I made it another month and pinch off whatever is less. I think my best advice for someone in my position is: don’t bite off more than you can chew! Make sure your monthly bills are not more than your monthly income, if so you have bitten off too much. Because we need cushion for supplies and emergencies after we have the basic neccessities. God Bless

  • Simply saying it’s financing made easy, also a really great way to learn a different method of budgeting.

  • Very helpful learning how to save money for emergencys and family vacation and all sorts of things everyday alot of us live from paycheck to paycheck and I wanted to find away where I didn’t have to do that anymore

  • This was very helpful me and my husband just started a new job and the income has become less so we have had to really had to budget ourselves thank you

  • This was very helpful thank you so much I have been struggling with my budgeting issues for some time now and this was truly helpful.

  • Yea I agree w/everyone else.. not to jump on the “ban-wagon” 🙂

  • With any budgeting, COMPROMISE, and prioritizing are the 2 important things to understand. This article was helpful as to a reminder of the importance of doing so.

  • This is a good way of budgeting and it does help you if you stick with it. I’ve been using this method for a very long time it works but takes discipline to stick with it.

  • With any budgeting, COMPROMISE, and prioritizing are the 2 important things to understand. This article was helpful as to a reminder of the importance of doing so.

  • how long your salary will really carry you through with any budget compromise there are 2 important think about its all it will work but it will take discipline or comments.

  • Well I think this is good in foe for every one I will be trying some of this good device and I will let every one know how I am doing with my new budgeting skills

  • very great reading others who can relate to me and others situations and the tips and advice is very helpful . thank you so very much.

  • Thank u for the good reading of article.

  • On point… Completely agree with the information this article gave on budgeting. Going to start trying to exercise these ideas asap! 🙂

  • I liked the article except that isn’t my problem I know how to budget and manage my finances, its just a failed marriage that ruined my credit to ever have a real paying job getting a normal paycheck like I’m used to and having my own home. I used to have all that until I was thrown out of my home forced to quit my job and leave the state. No one has any clue to what you’ve been going through for the last 5 yrs trying to survive I’m not homeless or hopeless, but I’m trying the best I can to put my life back together and seeking help with a debit relief law firm to restore my credit from what was taking away from me along with everthing I worked hard for and right now I’m self employed 👍

  • I really need to adopt some of these methods. Practicing self control should be helpful

  • This was very helpful considering how much a lot of stuff has gone up in price and harder to live now these days

  • This was a helpful article. The difference between necessity and luxury items is what most people need help with. It’s a hard habit to break.

  • This article was helpful. Although I am educated, I became disabled at age 33 due to a surgeons negligence, however, since the surgery was elective, I could not sue him. I now live on $1000/month, much of which goes to medication co-pays (so many meds) as I lost all but 1/3 of my small intestine. Sometimes I run out of money before I run out of month. Thank goodness for the food pantry.

  • There’s a lot of information in this, I am going to start practicing most of them in the near future!

  • This website is amazing

  • These tips are very helpful and can be applied to everyone’s life.

  • First look at what your dealing with. What is it you need to survive? You need food, houseing, heat and air conditioning. A affordable phone plan. The basics, an if there’s money left over save some and maybe once amonth do some nice for your self in reasonable way. Avoid over spending and save.

  • I worked for years to get my credit score up. Paying more on a bill raises your credit if you can double up on payments of loans or credit cards to knock them out quick. I went from 500 to 700 score in lest than two years.

  • The article was very informative and had a lot of good tips and ideas that can be used every day.

  • Thank you! Very informative.

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