Benefits of Renting to Own a Home

When it comes to homeownership, a rent to own program is a great alternative to a traditional home purchase.  In a rent to own process, the property owner agrees to rent the home out and

Pro’s and Con’s of Rent to Own

As an alternative source of financing for your own home (when the bank say “not right now”), you should know what some of the pro’s and con’s are. Rent to own truly works best for

Cost of Medigap Insurance

As far as health insurance goes, one can never get too far ahead of selecting the perfect supplemental insurance plan before eventually running into the question of the cost of Medigap insurance. It’s simply the

Benefits of Home Warranties

If you are like many new home buyers, you are probably asking yourself, “What is home warranty insurance and why should I have it?” Many people believe that their homeowner’s insurance is sufficient protection from